Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year!

 This is mostly for myself, but thought I would post it as well to share this past year and be accountable for the new year :)

Completing and Remembering In 2013...

What were the most important things you learned?

Trusting more in God. It has always been a repetitive lesson for me to learn seems I always have to learn it over again every time. Looking back over this year God has been faithful through many things and when trials come, be they minor or major, when my trust is truly in the Lord I am blessed with His peace and no worry.

What was the most loving service you performed?

Being able to support 2 kids overseas this year has been a huge blessing and look forward to continuing with it. Love them and pray for them :)

What was the biggest risk you took?

I think really letting go in circumstances financially related and trusting God. It shouldn't feel like a risk, but for me it is sometimes hard to feel like I don't have all my ducks in a row. I feel so silly though because God has continually blessed us when it started looking bleak! 

How did you encourage others?

I think that this is one of the things I can really work on, but for this past year I remember encouraging friends and family mostly by praying for them and letting them know I was. I want to be able to encourage in more ways through my words and actions though.

Who made the biggest difference in your life?

That would have to be Ryan, I married him this year and that made a huge difference in my life! From getting used to sleeping next to someone who snores sometimes, to being able to finally see him every day and not say good-bye anymore (since we were in a long distance relationship). Also he has been comforting and encouraging in my life every day! His strong trust in God, hard work in many things, and love for family I admire greatly. I am changing and growing into a better woman because of him and I'm so thankful.

How have you acknowledged them?

By encouraging and loving him. Telling him with my words and proving with my actions. Thanks Ry-muffin :) Love you!

How did you improve your relationships with those you love?

Vowing to love, honor, and cherish Ryan for the rest of my life :) marrying my man was a great improvement to our relationship! With my family it has changed alot since I don't see them and communicate every day like I used to. With friends, mostly the ones long distance technology has been amazing to grow closer over the distance. 

What were your greatest achievements?

I think planning our wedding and staying within the budget was quite an achievement!

What else do you need to do or say to be complete with the year?

Wow, what a year! I can't believe it is already over and the first full year as a married couple is about to begin. Reflecting back on this year past I'm full of gratefulness to many family and gaining new family, creating new friends and relationships in a new place...God is so good and as trials and joys have passed, He has been Sovereign.

Creating In 2014...

What are you looking forward to learning?

To better be a helpmate to Ryan, I know I will learn more and more every day. To write down our budget and stick to it, we've done a pretty good job, but needs improvement and to be more concrete. Also looking forward to meeting new people in our church and community and learning more about them.

What undeveloped talent are you willing to explore?

I'm on the track already I know how to sew, so I would love to quilt and finish a couple quilts this year!

How will you experience more joy?

By spending time in His Word with my hubby. And outdoors in nature, hiking, jogging, swimming etc. with my hubby. Anything with my hubby brings me joy :)

What loving services will you perform?

As many as possible! Wherever God leads this year :) I'm open to where He wants me to serve. Continuing to support 2 kids with Ryan now is one of the ways.

What risks are you planning to take?

Well as I wrote earlier for me sometimes taking a risk is to let go of my planning. Ryan helps me do that lol. Plans are good to have, but not to the point where I stress and worry about it, because God know the plans He has for me!

How will you encourage others?

My darling husband, keeping house for him and encourage him daily...building him up! I pray that I will use my words more this year to encourage others, not just by telling them I  am praying but doing it with them. With my actions by doing whatever services I am able.

How will you improve your relationships with those you love?

Being proactive in my marriage and communicate respectfully is one way I think will improve my marriage. Also with my family and new family being more communicative even though there is distance.

How will you make a difference in the world?

What a loaded question. I've always liked the quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" so by the way I live obviously has positive or negative effects on other people. Just be it simple things like driving defensively, being considerate of strangers, to the bigger things like tithing and missions overseas. Overall I want to make the difference that God has planned, being on mission with the gospel in every situation. I often fail miserably  and I'm just one person, but if God can use me to help one of His children believe in Christ then that is a great step towards a encouraging difference in the world.

What will be your greatest achievements?

In the physical sense I think achieving a healthy lifestyle this year would be fantastic. I'm challenging myself to be even more aware then I have been of what I cook at home and more active with my hubby :) In the spiritual sense I think growing more closer in my walk with Christ is a great achievement, although it never stops I know I never want to go back  to where I was. This year I get to walk the walk of faith with another person, my husband, so I'm looking forward to growing closer with him to Christ.
Also by getting this blog going again haha!

Happy New Year!

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